your Career +

For high-achieving women in service-based businesses who want to feel more accomplished,  present in this moment, and excited about what’s next.

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with coaching

Rebecca L.

Here's what my client had to say...

“If you choose to bet on yourself and commit to Dominique’s coaching, get ready to blow your own damn mind with what you will create in your life!! 

As a lifelong perfectionist, I was no stranger to feeling like I'm not enough or not doing enough, but turning 40 added a sense of urgency.  

Dominique really helped me retrain my brain and see myself NOW - free, empowered, strong, wise, fun - and without a doubt, the right damn time to create what's next for me. 

This new perspective has me feeling good about myself, grateful for every day, and excited to go all in on my goals and dreams. I have finally made myself my first priority.

I am living powerfully - not in denial, not "how I'm supposed to." I'm in the driver's seat and it feels good. 

I can't thank Dominique enough!!”

As a seasoned professional in events or hospitality, you face unique challenges: 

  • Work hours that defy "balance"
  • The high-stakes that come with "once-in-a-lifetime" events
  • Delivering high-level service to a discerning (and often anxious) clientele

As industry professionals we tend to fixate on the one thing that we can’t seem to figure out , and punish ourselves over and over for it… all the while, overlooking all that is going really well.

While working together, we’ll deepen your self-awareness and discover the root of what you want so you can feel happier and more fulfilled as you experience your day-to-day life.

Success shouldn't come at the expense of your sanity and joy.

What if you could rewrite the dialogue inside of your head, and create more desirable results in your real life?

Right now you might feel stuck. 
You’re comparing your life as it is to what you imagined it would be. You’re comparing yourself to peers who seemingly “have it all,”, you’re stressed out about the future, or experiencing a vague persistent feeling of dissatisfaction.

It’s time to take control and love your life again.

Imagine reconnecting with your initial passion, utilizing your experience to realistically reinvent your business, confidently selling your services, establishing efficient systems and protocols, and prioritizing your values over people-pleasing.

Through working together, you gain more self-awareness, clarify the action steps you need to take, plus receive the 1:1 support you need to stop feeling stuck, stressed out, and unfulfilled.

We'll empower you to cultivate a positive relationship with yourself, making decisons that foster both business growth and personal well-being.
You’ve worked too hard for too long to not feel fulfilled.

You’ll be feeling free, confident, present, and successful in your life and business
You’ll be hitting your goals while learning to love, accept, and celebrate who you are fully.

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That’s where coaching with me creates change.

I’ve got good news for you.

Maybe you haven’t figured it all out, but you’re no stranger to hard work and starting new chapters. You have awareness. And awareness is the first step to change.

You’ve already done a lot of the work.


I help you turn your self-awareness into action steps towards change.

You are more motivated now than you have ever been.
You are wiser now than you have ever been.
You deserve to align your accomplishments and your well-being.

The path of a high-achiever like yourself can be both rewarding and daunting. The highs are high, but the lows are crushing and lonely.
It's time to escape the cycle.

You CAN do good work, make money, and experience freedom. 

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Through 10+years of coaching women, I can tell you that we all have our superpowers.

  • Your generosity becomes over-giving and lack of boundaries -> exhaustion.
  • Your ability to plan every detail and push through exhaustion becomes hypervigilance, waking you up at 5am worrying -> anxiety.
  • Your devotion to customer-care becomes lack of self-care -> low self-worth .
  • Your perfectionism becomes self-criticism -> shame cycle.
  • Your humility becomes unworthiness -> never feeling good enough to go after your dreams.

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And, ironically, your self-sabotaging habits are the flip-side of those same superpowers.

The women I help are amazing creators, entrepreneurs, planners, designers, service directors, partners, daughters, friends — they’re successful in many areas of their lives. But there’s at least ONE pattern they can’t shake, at least one superpower that has taken a turn and isn’t serving them anymore.

The very fact that you ARE successful in many areas of your life means that you have what it takes to break those unwanted patterns and make the changes you want to make. 

This isn’t the open-ended therapy model where we talk around your issues for years without tangible progress. 

You'll be equipped with everything you need to make lasting positive change.

We look at where you are and where you want to be, and choose specific goals or areas of your life to focus on over the next 6 months that will have the highest impact towards getting you there.

In 6 months, you’re going to accomplish so much.

I’ll meet you where you are.

We will have weekly conversations about you in a way that no one else will. 

In 6 months you will walk away having made real changes AND with tools you can use for the rest of your life. 

This is for you if:

  • You feel a sense of urgency, “if not now, then when?”
  • You’re willing to take simple actions to move steadily towards your goals.
  • You’re invested in taking action to improve your life and make changes, you don’t just want to vent.
  • You’re willing to show up honestly, keeping an open mind.

I'm not offering mere advice. I am guiding you to uncover the "why" behind your struggles and reshape your business and personal life.

You are a problem solver in your industry, let's apply that expertise to bring everything into alignment.
You'll be amazed when you see what's possible for you.

And maybe you're dreaming of...

  • New work that aligns with your values and inspires your creative spirit 
  • Feeling truly well, knowing how to nourish your body and mind (and knowing how to make time to)
  • A creative endeavor that has long been your heart’s desire
  • Higher close rates
  • A life and business that are aligned
  • The ability to relish rest and leisure without guilt
  • Finding peace AND profit
  • Having both a life and a business that make you feel proud

That is what we will be doing together. Because NOW is the BEST TIME.

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Join me for a Free Session

no pressure!

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Just show up with something in your life you’d like to improve and your favorite beverage. 

This is a conversation to get to know each other, work through an issue you’ve been dealing with, and you’ll leave with an actual result.